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为探究耕作方式、秸秆还田和生物炭添加结合对土壤团聚体粒径分布、团聚体养分特征、养分库储量及小麦-玉米周年产量的影响,本研究采用3因素2水平试验设计,分别为耕作方式:常规旋耕(CT),深翻耕作(DT);秸秆处理:秸秆还田(S)、秸秆不还田(NS);生物炭:生物炭添加(B)、无生物炭添加(NB),共8个处理。结果表明:无生物炭添加时,旋耕秸秆还田显著提高了0~15 cm土层团聚体稳定性及土壤养分库储量,而深耕秸秆还田显著改善了>15~30 cm土层土壤团粒组成,提升土壤肥力,促进作物增产。相关性分析表明,砂姜黑土中作物产量的提升更依赖于深层(>15~30 cm)土壤物理结构的改善和土壤肥力的提升。配施生物炭后如DT-S-B(深耕秸秆还田配施生物炭)较CT-NS-NB(旋耕秸秆不还田无生物炭)处理尤其使>15~30 cm土层团聚体稳定性显著增强,>2 mm粒级团聚体比例、重量平均直径和几何平均直径值分别增加165.88%、62.37%和119.81%,显著提高>2 mm粒级团聚体有机碳、全氮和全磷含量,提高了>2 mm粒级团聚体有机碳和养分固持能力,降低了<2 mm粒级团聚体有机碳和养分固持能力,使>15~30 cm土层土壤有机碳库储量、全氮、全磷和全钾库储量分别显著提升37.41%、38.99%、41.26%和9.84%,促使2年作物周年产量平均增加22.96%,但在深耕秸秆还田的基础上配施生物炭在短期内增产效果不显著。综上,深耕秸秆还田配施生物炭能够显著改善黄淮海南部砂姜黑土深层土壤团聚体粒径分布和稳定性,提升了土壤肥力和作物周年产量,保障了农田高效绿色可持续生产。  相似文献   
复垦土壤贫瘠,磷素含量极低,严重影响作物的生长发育。研究化肥、有机肥配施荧光假单胞菌对玉米产量和复垦土壤磷素形态以及酶活性的影响,为加速培肥矿区复垦土壤提供技术支持和理论依据。该研究在山西省晋中市采煤塌陷区进行了2a的定位培肥试验,共设置7个处理:不施肥(CK)、单施化肥(CF)、化肥配施荧光假单胞菌(CFB)、单施有机肥(M)、有机肥配施荧光假单胞菌(MB)、化肥配施有机肥(MCF)、化肥有机肥配施荧光假单胞菌(MCFB)。采集各处理土壤样品测定相关指标,并通过相关性分析和结构方程模型来探究各形态磷与有效磷以及土壤磷酸酶之间的关系。结果表明:1)在整个试验周期(2021—2022年),与CK相比,不同施肥处理均能显著提高玉米产量以及各形态磷素。其中,以MB处理下的玉米产量、有效磷、磷活化系数、不稳定态磷以及部分不稳定态磷含量最高,与CK处理相比,玉米产量显著提高2.4倍,有效磷含量、磷活化系数值、不稳定态磷含量、部分不稳定态磷含量分别显著提高4.5倍、4.67倍、0.98倍、1.16倍。2)与CK处理相比,化肥、有机肥配施荧光假单胞菌能够显著提高土壤微生物量磷以及酸性和碱性磷酸酶活性,配施荧光假单胞菌后,微生物量磷水平和碱性磷酸酶活性均以MB较M处理提升效果最佳,分别显著提高27.08%和9.56%。3)结合相关性分析以及结构方程模型,随着荧光假单胞菌和化肥有机肥的施入,在提高不稳定态磷素含量的同时也提高有效磷的供应能力,促进磷素在农田生态系统中的循环转化,产生积极的正向影响。化肥、有机肥配施荧光假单胞菌能够一定程度上影响复垦土壤玉米产量及产量性状、各形态磷素及有效性和微生物活性,对复垦土壤脆弱的农田生态系统产生积极影响。  相似文献   
化学氧化法测定土壤有机质的研究进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
有机质是土壤的重要组成成分,其含量水平是衡量土壤肥力的重要指标之一。化学氧化法在测定土壤有机质研究领域中应用普遍。本文综述化学氧化法测定土壤有机质的改进方法,讨论各方法利弊及一些干扰因子的去除,并对新的研究方向加以展望,对于研究出更简便、快捷、准确的有机质测定方法具有重要意义。  相似文献   
膜孔灌肥液自由入渗硝态氮运移特性试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以KNO3为入渗溶液,模拟研究了硝态氮在膜孔灌肥液自由入渗条件下的运移过程.结果表明,在湿润蜂运移的范围内,沿着膜孔水平方向和垂直方向,硝态氮前锋运移速率受土壤含水量的影响较大,并随着土壤含水量的增加而增加;硝态氮前锋运移速率与运移距离有很好的相关性,并随着运移距离的增加呈幂函数衰减变化.硝态氮前锋浓度随着运移距离的增加而升高,其变化趋势呈指数曲线关系,且在湿润锋(土壤干湿交界)面上达到最大值;硝态氮前锋浓度随土壤含水量的增加呈幂函数递减,两者的相关系数也达到了极显著水平.  相似文献   
对黄土高原丘陵沟壑区沙棘人工林不同恢复阶段物种多样性与土壤肥力的关系进行了研究.结果表明,在沙棘人工林恢复的初、中期阶段,α-多样性指数和土壤肥力(有机质含量和氮含量)的增加正相关较明显,在恢复的中期β-多样性指数变化较强烈,且土壤有机质含量变化较大,表现出在沙棘人工林恢复的同时,土壤有机质含量也会有所增加,二者基本上是同步的.对土壤肥力与沙棘人工林植物组成性状的关系进行多元回归分析后发现,土壤全氮与木本植物种数、植物种数和物种多样性等因素有关;全磷与物种多样性等因素有关;土壤全钾和pH值的变化比较复杂,与植物组成性状的关系不明显.  相似文献   
选取8个与植被工程效果紧密相关的评价指标,建立工程实施效果的评价指标体系,评价甘肃藉河流域罗玉沟世行二期项目实施情况。采用层次分析和综合指数相结合的方法,将罗玉沟流域水土保持植被工程实施效果综合指数等间距地划分为5个等级。结果表明:罗玉沟流域植被工程实施综合效果总体处于“良好”等级,但仍存在林分结构布局不合理、草地盖度偏小等问题,结合工程现状提出了今后的改进方向。  相似文献   
Soil functional microbial taxa and extracellular enzymes are involved in a variety of biogeochemical cycling processes. Although many studies have revealed the vertical change patterns of microbial communities along soil profile, the general understanding of the coupling changes in the functional gene abundances (FGAs) and extracellular enzyme activities (EEAs) in soil profiles is still limited, which hinders us from revealing soil ecosystem processes. Herein, we comparatively investigated the FGAs and EEAs in the diagnostic A, B, and C horizons of soil profiles obtained from two suborders of Isohumosols (Mollisols), Ustic and Udic Isohumosols, in Northeast China based on quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and standard fluorometric techniques, respectively. The distribution patterns of both FGAs and EEAs significantly distinguished by the two soil suborders and were also separated from A to C horizon. Additionally, the variations of EEAs and FGAs were greater in Udic Isohumosols compared to Ustic Isohumosols along soil profiles, and greater changes were observed in C horizon than in A horizon. Both FGAs and EEAs correspondently decreased along the soil profiles. However, when normalized by soil organic carbon, the specific EEAs significantly increased in deep soil horizons, suggesting that microorganisms will input more resources to the production of enzymes to ensure microbial nutrient requirements under resource scarcity. More importantly, we revealed that soil microbial nutrient demands were limited by carbon (C) and phosphorus (P), and the C and P limitations significantly increased along soil profiles with a greater C limitation observed in Ustic Isohumosols than in Udic Isohumosols. Overall, our findings provided solid evidence showing the links between FGAs, EEAs, and microbial nutrient limitations, which would be helpful for a better understanding of the ecosystem processes in soil profiles.  相似文献   
Vegetable soils with high nitrogen input are major sources of nitrous oxide (N2O) and nitric oxide (NO), and incorporation of the nitrification inhibitor 3, 4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate (DMPP) into soils has been documented to effectively reduce emissions. However, the efficiency of DMPP in terms of soil N2O and NO mitigations varies greatly depending on soil temperature and moisture levels. Thus, further evaluations of DMPP efficiency in diverse environments are required to encourage widespread application. A laboratory incubation study (28 d) was established to investigate the interactive effects of DMPP, temperature (15, 25, and 35 ℃), and soil moisture (55% and 80% of water-holding capacity (WHC)) on net nitrification rate, N2O and NO productions, and gene abundances of nitrifiers and denitrifiers in an intensive vegetable soil. Results showed that incubating soil with 1% DMPP led to partial inhibition of the net nitrification rate and N2O and NO productions, and the reduction percentage of N2O production was higher than that of NO production (69.3% vs. 38.2%) regardless of temperature and soil moisture conditions. The increased temperatures promoted the net nitrification rate but decreased soil N2O and NO productions. Soil moisture influenced NO production more than N2O production, decreasing with the increased moisture level (80%). The inhibitory effect of DMPP on cumulative N2O and NO productions decreased with increased temperatures at 55% WHC. Conversely, the inhibitory effect of DMPP on cumulative N2O production increased with increased temperatures at 80% WHC. Based on the correlation analyses and automatic linear modeling, the mitigation of both N2O and NO productions from the soil induced by DMPP was attributed to the decreases in ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) amoA gene abundance and NO-2-N concentration. Overall, our study indicated that DMPP reduced both N2O and NO productions by regulating the associated AOB amoA gene abundance and NO-2-N concentration. These findings improve our insights regarding the implications of DMPP for N2O and NO mitigations in vegetable soils under various climate scenarios.  相似文献   
为明确不同秸秆还田方式下土壤有机碳组分的变化特征,基于6 a秸秆还田长期定位试验,利用三维荧光光谱技术,对无秸秆还田(CK)、秸秆覆盖还田(FG)、秸秆翻埋还田(FM)处理下土壤有机碳(SOC)含量及水溶性有机碳(WSOC)含量及其结构特征进行分析。结果表明:(1)与CK相比,FM处理0~40 cm土层SOC含量提高7.87%~29.54%,FG处理0~30 cm土层SOC含量增加1.91%~18.61%,30~40 cm土层SOC含量降低7.67%;FM和FG处理0~40 cm土层土壤WSOC含量分别提升13.42%~39.42%和0.28%~26.34%。(2)通过WSOC三维荧光光谱发现,各土层CK(Ex/Em=300/34、Ex/Em=300/340、Ex/Em=240/340、Ex/Em=300/340)处理WSOC荧光特征峰为溶解性微生物代谢产物和类色氨酸蛋白质物质荧光峰;FM(Ex/Em=340/430、Ex/Em=340/430、Ex/Em=340/435、Ex/Em=340/435)和FG(Ex/Em=270/440、Ex/Em=270/435、Ex/Em=340/435、Ex/Em=340/430)处理为类腐殖酸类物质荧光特征峰,腐殖化程度较高,结构较为复杂;荧光区域积分表明,FM和FG处理类腐殖酸类物质(Ⅴ)和富里酸类物质(Ⅲ)的积分百分比分别较CK增加12.18%~27.39%、11.98%~30.72%和3.96%~5.73%、2.99%~5.40%。(3)土壤WSOC包含两个组分,C1(Ex/Em=340/435, 270/435)组分为类腐殖酸类物质,C2(Ex/Em=290/345, 240/345)组分为溶解性微生物代谢产物和类色氨酸蛋白质物质;Fmax值结果表明,0~40 cm土层的C1组分相对含量表现为FM>FG>CK,表明秸秆翻埋还田更有助于土壤中营养物质含量增加和形成更高分子量的有机物。综上,不同秸秆还田方式均可提升SOC和土壤WSOC含量,增加腐殖化程度,加强土壤的供肥能力,翻埋还田处理提升作用更为显著。  相似文献   
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